
Raspberry PI and .NET Core on Linux: the fast track to IoT

  • На английском языке
Презентация pdf

Комментарий Программного комитета:

Запуск .NET на нестандартной платформе.

Given the new capabilities of .NET Core to run on Linux and ARM CPUs, creating an IoT application is straightforward. But don't stop at the blinking led because you would miss the most important design goals.

During the session we will deep dive into the design of an IoT application made of hardware sensors, the powerful and cheap Raspberry PI Linux-based computer and the power of .NET Core, including ASP.NET Core.

We will focus on the real-time issues of certain sensors, the security implications of accessing GPIOs on the Raspberry PI, designing the architecture and communicating among processes.

Finally, we will see how to leverage the native H264 encoder to stream video from an ASP.NET Core application to the web browsers.

  • #diy
  • #hardware