Chris Klug
Компания: Active Solution
The SOLID principles. The five commandments of the software world. Forgotten for years, as developers focused on JavaScript frameworks with stupid names and complicated patterns. Not grasping that the SOLID principles transcend beyond frameworks and patterns.
The SOLID principles are the foundation of building good software. They are the breakers of monoliths. The decouplers of coupling. The squashers of regression bugs. One might even say that they are the creators of maintainable code.
Unless you already a believer, you need to attend this session and get on the right path. Chris, the bringer of SOLID knowledge, will go through each one of the principles, explaining what it means, what it will do for you, and why you should stop breaking it. You will even be shown C# code that explains how they help you, and what problems will haunt you if you ignore them and are faced with their wrath.
Компания: Active Solution
Компания: Хайтек Груп