Making zero allocation code using the example of optimizing a large library
Stanislav Sidristij
Company: Speech Technology Center
Company: Speech Technology Center
Stanislav worked in many large companies, gaining experience developing on the .NET platform. Stanislav is a speaker at many conferences, including .NEXT, SpbDotNet, the author and the main speaker of CLRium seminars. For a long time, Stanislav has been interested in the field of memory management algorithms and unsafe code manipulation of CLR runtime. But lately the vector has been changed for more practical part of development: multithreading, blocking and non-blocking algorithms, memory optimization practices. He is the author of the online book .NET Platform Architecture, which has been widely distributed thanks to a good translation into English and Chinese.
Company: Speech Technology Center
Company: Speech Technology Center
Company: Speech Technology Center
Company: Lanit-Tercom
Company: Tinkoff
Company: Speech Technology Center
Company: Speech Technology Center
Company: Speech Technology Center
Company: Speech Technology Center
Company: Speech Technology Center