
Clean architecture in practice

  • In Russian

Enough time has passed since the release of Uncle Bob's book "Clean Architecture". Somebody read a book, and somebody read an article or watched a video. There is also enough talk on YouTube. For example, Jason Taylor says the same things at every conference.

The problem is that all talks are ideological, like what you should do and you will be fine. At the same time, the authors usually have no practical experience in creating large projects using this architecture (and even launching in production). All examples are too simple and there are still many questions. The book describes only general principles and when you start to apply this in practice a lot of questions appear. For example how to create modules, what to put in each module, and how to set up connections between modules.

Two years ago Pravo Tech started 2 projects, which applied the principles described in the book. Andrey is ready to share this experience. These were corporate applications on C# (API, backend).

What will be in the talk:

  1. What's new in clean architecture?
  2. How is pure architecture different from others: onion, port adapters, vertical slice?
  3. What layers are obtained in a real application?
  4. How to set up links between layers and keep them up to date throughout the project?
  • #architecture


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