Alexey Ovcharov

Alexey Ovcharov


Alexey CTO. Started with Excel parsers in VB.NET. Passed Silverlight with full immersion in asynchronous programming model (APM). Since 2015 attended most ITGM, SpbDotNet, IT Subbontik, PiterJS, PiterCSS, SPB Angular Meetup, Hashicorp User Group, every DotNext, HolyJS and DevOops.

During that time he managed to switch from SVN to Git, abandon Google Docs in favor of Swagger, structure logs in ELK, migrate from Silverlight to Angular, saw the monolith and start sawing the next one, move to K8s and get covered with monitoring. Successfully joined the ranks of SpbDotNet organizers, because his superpower is considered to be the ability to organize a bar teambuilding event with one call.

Talks from 2022 Autumn season