DotNext 2024

DotNext 2024

Conference for .NET developers

Community Day

DotNext «trial version» — part of the first day’s talks is available for free.


Offline DotNext

September 10–11 00:0000:00 (UTC+3)

Offline: MonArch Moscow Hotel, Leningradsky prospekt, 31А, stroeniye 1

  • 35speakers
  • 30+talks
  • 800participants
  • 140+conferences from the organiser

About conference

DotNext is a conference for .NET developers. It’s the largest and oldest event of its kind in Russia. There are always talks on low-level optimizations and other internals of .NET for people who want to know «how it all works under the hood.» There are also more practical talks that can be applied in everyday work.


The time in the program is for your time zone .

Do you want to perform but have doubts?

We can answer your questions and help you prepare for the performance.

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Masters of Ceremonies


  • Blog at

    We publish transcripts of talks, interviews, and authors’ articles.
  • Selected Talks

    Talks from different years caused the greatest response from the participants.
  • Materials

    Look at how past conferences have been held.

Conference features

  • The content selected by the experts

    The content is included in the program only after it has been checked by the program committee which has experts with wide experience in .NET development.

  • TechTalks

    There is lots of technical content with a little bit of non-technical content. Our conferences will help you find your way in the industry by teaching you about trends, tools, approaches, and global language and platform updates.

  • Change of scene

    Offline is back. This is a chance to change the scene, listen to live talks, chat with your colleagues, and just enjoy your time at the afterparty offline.

  • Discussions

    You may chat with speakers and experts right after the talk. Both online and offline.

  • Support

    Our support team will reply to you very soon and will not leave you alone.

  • 4K video

    So that you can see each character of the code in the IDE.


Become a partner

We would not be able to hold DotNext on a regular basis without the tremendous support of our partners. Our conference is growing and evolving thanks to their efforts.

Leave a request

Information partners

  • RadioDotNet

  • DotNetRu

  • .NET Разработчик

  • Publishing houses Piter


  • CIT forum

  • IT-World

  • Московский клуб программистов