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    C# and .NET: the present and the future

    How does the future of the .NET platform and the C# language look? What’s new in C# 10 and what haven’t we gotten around to? What are the tools for writing secure and high-quality C# code in 2021? The speakers will discuss these and other questions in a round-table format.

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    Technical interview

    Reality show «The Interview». Part 1

    We're always whining about how they ask a lot of crap at job interviews. In our show interview, we will not just evaluate the answers, but we will explain the questions: why they are asked and how the answers help make the decision to hire the candidate.

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    ASP.NET for Linux and domain users

    Discussion on difficulties of transitioning .NET application from Windows-based hosting to Linux-based. How to set up domain user verification if there is no IIS to do if for you. How to connect to SQL server and other services demanding Windows authentication. How to check user’s groups for Role Based Access.

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    Interview with Egor Grishechko

    Let's talk to the man who escaped from .NET to Go (and to Uber as well). What is the difference between development on each platform, does Egor miss his native C# and how are things in Uber?

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    ThreadPool for a service adapting to external load

    Embedded ThreadPool is good at everything. Implemented through the hill climbing algorithm, it knows how to properly utilize resources. However, the story with services running over SMB protocol continues. You'll learn detail from Stanislav's talk.

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    Taint analysis: searching for security weaknesses related to trusting external data

    The topic of security is becoming more and more relevant every year. Overreliance on external data disrupts your application’s security. As a result, an application may become vulnerable to SQL injections, XSS attacks and similar problems. SAST solutions use taint analysis to find these security flaws. What is taint analysis? How does it work? Sergey will answer these questions during this talk.

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    The JSON evolution with SQL Database

    In this session, we see how a (used-to-be-a) relation database like Azure SQL Database can handle tons of JSON objects with effectiveness.

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    Good Software Engineer — who is this?

    Let's talk about the best qualities of professionals in the software industry. Let's start with the terminology, to make sure we are talking about the same things, and then let's look at all the major stages of becoming a specialist. What experiences we gain at each stage, what we encounter and what we move on with. We will clarify all the aspects that form a person, about whom we can then confidently say - here is a good specialist.

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    Interview with Sergey Teplyakov

    Let's talk to Sergey about everything except his talk. We will ask how companies live in the United States during a pandemic, find out about the most interesting projects, and why Sergey no longer writes books.

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    Monolith's path to cloud and back

    In this session, the speaker will share his experience in migrating huge monolithic applications to .NET Core and cloud hosting discuss some problems, and suggest ways to overcome them.

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    Distributed .NET deep dive

    Join Dylan Beattie for an end-to-end run through the most common architectural patterns for building modern high-performance distributed systems in .NET: asynchronous web APIs, message queues, protocol buffers, real-time browser notifications — and a whole lot of interactive live demos.

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    EF Core 6: Fulfilling the Bucket List

    With the latest version of EF Core, we are getting some long awaited features and improvements …many which the EF Core team was thrilled to check off their own buckets lists as well. In this session we’ll dig into some of the most important and interesting of these features such as incredible performance gains for queries and applications with very large models. You’ll learn about work done to simplify customizing mapping conventions and deploy database migrations. And we’ll run through a slew of other important changes to EF Core 6 as well as the EF Core team’s continued commitment to transparency and community.

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    Technical interview

    Reality show «The Interview». Part 2

    We're always whining about how they ask a lot of crap at job interviews. In our show interview, we will not just evaluate the answers, but we will explain the questions: why they are asked and how the answers help make the decision to hire the candidate.

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    Fast File IO with .NET 6

    For .NET 6, File IO was almost completely re-written. It's up to few times faster and also more reliable. In his talk, Adam is going to describe what was changed, why, and what new APIs were introduced.

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    CV review

    Would you like to look at a CV through the eyes of a potential employer? Altenar will give you this opportunity: they will take apart your CVs and point out annoying mistakes that could prevent you from getting the job of your dreams. And if you are brave enough, send your CV to dotnext@mail.ru (please do not include personal data and company names).

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    Interview with Egor Bogatov

    An interview with Egor Bogatov, a developer from the JIT-compiler team itself, who has extensive experience in chiseled optimizations, gamedev, Mono, public speaking. Let's talk about all this, as well as about his career at Microsoft and other interesting things.

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    SIMD in .NET: Image processing with intrinsics

    In this talk Stepan will discuss .NET intrinsics in the context of image processing. Stepan will analyze real algorithms, discuss how to solve performance issues and what we have to do for the best optimization.

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    What's new in JIT compiler

    The talk will focus on the improvements in the JIT compiler as part of the .NET 6.0 release.

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    From Enterprise to Gamedev. Problems and Solutions

    The worlds of .NET and Unity exist in parallel, although they have a common programming language and standard libraries. Enterprise developer will face many issues when learning Unity.

    The speakers will discuss the most common ones and will talk about how to simplify your life.

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    Modular monolith instead of microservices: How, when and why

    In his talk, Denis will talk about when to choose a monolith over microservices. And also that the monoliths are different, it is not necessarily dirt. The speaker will also tell you when it is time for an ordinary monolith to become modular and how to move from an ordinary monolith to a modular one. And, of course, how to separate modules into separate services.

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    Play with experts in intellectual casino. Part 2

    «What? Where? When?» tournament from the DotNetRu community. The rules are similar to the TV version: the host asks a question, the team has one minute to discuss, at the end of which they have to give an answer.

    What questions are worth waiting for? All questions will be on IT-topics, but in contrast to the classic quizzes questions are more likely not for knowledge, but for ingenuity.

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    Diagnosing issue with async C# code

    In this talk, we'll explore the issues with debugging the async code, the typical cases why the async operations may "hang", the tools that help to analyze such problems as well as the best practices to avoid them.

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    Round table

    Q&A with Udi Dahan

    Udi Dahan, one of the world's leading experts on service-oriented architecture and object-oriented design and author of NServiceBus, hosts a live Q&A session.

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    Elixir of Youth — Reviving Ancient Legacy with .NET 5

    The talk is devoted to migration of the Python application that has been spontaneously developing for 10 years to .NET 5. Rewrite from scratch or translate? Where to start if there is no documentation on the original version? How to work with a client that is written in unpredictable VBA? How to translate a huge amount of logic, while keeping the code readable? How can you test that everything is correctly ported to the new version? The answers to these and many other questions were sought by the author and his team in persistent alchemical experiments, and as a result, the "elixir of youth" was prepared for a project which seemed frozen in time.

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    Sysinternals for Linux

    In this session, Mario and Kevin will not only showcase the tools available today (procdump, procmon and sysmon) but also dive into the depths of eBPF which is a very powerful Linux tracing technology. Speakers will also highlight tool .NET integration points.

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    CosmosDB: using in a real project

    Anna will talk about her experience using CosmosDB from Microsoft at Dodo Brands, why they chose this database, what difficulties they encountered and how they dealt with them. Anna will also show what you have to do to use CosmosDB.

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    Are you selling caches? No, we're just showing

    The speakers will talk about the path passed by caching data, and what problems there were with each of them. Anton and Andrey will also share how they helped a frequent request to the site API work without caches, and what to do next.

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    Play with experts in intellectual casino. Part 1

    «What? Where? When?» tournament from the DotNetRu community. The rules are similar to the TV version: the host asks a question, the team has one minute to discuss, at the end of which they have to give an answer.

    What questions are worth waiting for? All questions will be on IT-topics, but in contrast to the classic quizzes questions are more likely not for knowledge, but for ingenuity.

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    Roundtable «Hiring Developers»

    The roundtable will cover several important blocks, each of which is of varying concern to both job seekers and employers. We will definitely discuss the market situation and how it has been affected by 2020 and the pandemic. Remote work, hybrid work format and full-time offline - how to live in the new reality? The demand for IT specialists has increased, and employers have a logical question: where to get developers from? External training schools, outstaffing, growing junks, "getting into IT" and other options. And of course, speaking of hiring, we can not avoid the topic of interviews: how they were affected by the above factors and what to prepare for applicants and employers in the current reality.

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    Pipeline-oriented programming

    In this talk, Scott will look at pipeline-oriented programming and how it relates to functional programming, the open-closed principle, unit testing, the onion architecture, and more.

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    Performance Improvements in .NET 6

    There have been an unbelievable number of performance improvements that have gone into .NET 6. In this talk, we’ll walk through some of the more interesting examples, peeking under the covers to understand what improved, how it improved, and what that means for apps and services as they move to this exciting new release.

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    Can we afford to hate React?

    Today there is a frequent call for developing frontend applications on the Blazor platform. In the discussion the speakers will discuss whether it is a mature enough platform, and whether .NET developers and teams can afford to abandon React in favor of Blazor. Can we afford to hate React? Let's look at the status of the platforms, talk about experiences with React and Blazor. Consider the risks and formulate arguments in favor of each platform.