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    Workshop. Post-mortem check-out: Crashes, hangs, and high CPU

    Crashing and hanging processes, resource starvation, and other fun stuff are not very hard to deal with in development, but what can we do if it happens in production, especially after a week of normal service activity. In this workshop we will discuss possible symptoms of the aforementioned issues and also Mikhail will show how in practice such issues can be investigated and root causes found.

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    Advanced Dapr

    Already familiar with Dapr? This talk goes beyond the basics and dives into more advanced Dapr topics.

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    Designing with capabilities

    In this talk, Scott will look at an unusual approach to designing internal interfaces and external APIs — a "capability-based" approach that takes the Principle Of Least Authority and applies it to software design.

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    Blazor somponents deep dive

    You can do a lot more with Blazor components than what you see in "Getting Started with Blazor" sessions and blog posts. In this session, we zoom into the Blazor component. After this, you can do way more than just create a "Hello world" application in Blazor.

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    Play with experts in intellectual casino

    What? Where? When? tournament from the DotNetRu community. The rules are similar to the TV version: the host asks the question and the team has a minute to discuss it and answer.

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    Presentation of JetBrains Space, a universal platform for teamwork

    Недавно команда JetBrains выпустила Space — единую платформу для совместной работы, общения, управления проектами и командами, которая покрывает все этапы разработки ПО. Space помогает разработчикам, дизайнерам, менеджерам и другим специалистам работать продуктивнее вместе и решает проблему разобщенности, которая часто возникает в компаниях.

    15 апреля на Mobius 2021 Piter Валерия Андрианова, менеджер по маркетингу продукта, покажет, как устроен Space и как он помогает командам разработчиков создавать крутые продукты и общаться более эффективно. Также Валерия ответит на ваши вопросы.

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    Speak it up!

    Perhaps every participant thought at least once that it would be cool to become a speaker himself. Join Alexey's talk and you will find out how little it takes to turn this desire into reality, and how many benefits and pleasant emotions it will bring to you and the community around you.

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    Can I jump the F5 ship straight into the real-time hyperspace?

    Is it possible to build real-time .NET/Blazor apps using pretty much the same code you are writing for non-real-time ones? Do you need messages, handlers, SignalR? Are there any good alternatives to what's commonly considered the way to build real-time apps? This talk covers one of such alternatives and explains how it overlaps with other hard problems, such as caching, incremental builds, and microservice chattiness.

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    Debugging one layer deeper

    A session about WinDBG, LLDB, reverse-engineering assembly code, and digging into the internals of the .NET runtime.

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    SOLID – The five commandments of good software

    Chris, the bringer of SOLID knowledge, will go through each one of the principles, explaining what it means, what it will do for you, and why you should stop breaking it.

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    Conference opening

    We will talk about the schedule, sessions, and share the information. Join the broadcast to find out what's on the air soon!

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    Stabilization under 400,000 RPM

    Nikita will share the experience of how we managed to maintain and improve the quality of service during the migration of the legacy platform: tools, approaches and point solutions that helped Mindbox.

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    Techies in Virusland

    In this session, one of the authors of "SARS-CoV-2 waves in Europe: A 2-stratum SEIRS model solution" will cover the methodology for building high capacity prediction models and the common pitfalls those interested in forecasting literature and models must be aware of when faced with such a problem.

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    Unlocking performance improvements in .NET

    In this talk, Stephen Toub will walk through example changes that have improved performance in the .NET stack over time, highlighting how such changes benefited apps and services running on .NET, and how those changes can serve as a blueprint for further improvements in your codebases.

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    gRPC in .NET — recipe for happiness

    Mikhail will talk about when to use gRPC, and when it is better to hold back from your experience, how typical tasks are solved (configuration, debugging, healthcheck, etc.), and what the documentation is silent about.

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    The mystery of dynamic assemblies

    The programming team has problems: unit tests take too much time, more than 60 minutes! What is the reason for these performance troubles? The Tech Lead conducts an investigation and stumbles upon the issues with the Moq library.

    But this is not enough. It is impossible for the team to stop using Moq and to write test stubs manually. Also, they need to find out why only the unit tests execution time has increased, not the running time of regression tests or UAT. The great C# detective Hercule Poirot with his colleague Arthur Hastings come to the rescue.

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    DBComments: Comment the databases in full!

    Yulia and her team modified the utility for commenting objects in the databases. To do this, they had to refer to the EF source code. In her report, Yulia will tell about the advantages of their new tool for programmers.

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    Stabilization under 400,000 RPM

    Nikita will share the experience of how we managed to maintain and improve the quality of service during the migration of the legacy platform: tools, approaches and point solutions that helped Mindbox.

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    Workshop. Post-mortem check-out: Crashes, hangs, and high CPU (part 2)

    Crashing and hanging processes, resource starvation, and other fun stuff are not very hard to deal with in development, but what can we do if it happens in production, especially after a week of normal service activity. In this workshop we will discuss possible symptoms of the aforementioned issues and also Mikhail will show how in practice such issues can be investigated and root causes found.

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    Introduction to open source Uno Platform

    The open source Uno Platform removes many complexities and enables developers to reuse their existing XAML and C# skills, resulting in a gain of overall productivity when creating pixel-perfect UI-rich and data-driven applications. Come learn what the Uno Platform is all about.